There are many different positions here at the Dallas Museum of Art. Since there is always something exciting going on at the Museum, we thought it would be interesting to begin a series of staff interviews with members of other departments.

Installation of Semiramis, by Henry Wetmore Story, 1872-73
The below interview was conducted with Vince Jones, Head Preparator. He graciously answered questions related to his job. I hope you find this as interesting as I do!
Amy Wolf
Teaching Programs Coordinator
1. Name and Title: Vincent Jones……..Head Preparator
2. Years Employed at the Dallas Museum of Art: 14
3. Describe your job as a preparator in an art museum: The essential job of a preparator is to safely handle the artworks that are permanently acquired and/or on loan to the Museum. For obvious reasons, this job position is also referred to as an “art handler”. The word “preparator” refers directly to the tasks of moving and installing (or “preparing”) artworks as part of an exhibition. Subsequently, when an artwork is not on view, then it is placed (or “prepared”) in museum storage or returned to its lender. Every day at the DMA, preparators like myself move artworks in and out of storage to be installed, photographed, or examined by other museum staff such as registrars and conservators. It is the preparator’s job to know how to perform these duties patiently and with the utmost care to the objects.
4. What is your favorite part of your job? A favorite part of my job is the opportunity to handle and closely inspect works of art that, for whatever reason, have some special meaning to me. It feels like an honor in a way, and that is certainly a rewarding experience. The Portrait Vase of Mme. Schuffenecker by Paul Gauguin is a piece in the DMA’s collection that comes to mind. If I saw this artwork in another museum, I’d be thinking how weird and beautiful and odd it is; well, working here, I get the chance to pick it up occasionally.
Another favorite aspect is the opportunity to work with contemporary artists who come to the Museum to oversee or install their artwork. Working with the artist Richard Tuttle several years ago is still a favorite highlight of mine. I am a big fan of his art, so watching him handle and talk about his own work was a treat.
5. What is a challenge that you face in your job? For me, one of the most interesting challenges of being a preparator is the continual re-thinking of how we move and install various heavy, complicated, or fragile artworks. The large marble sculpture Semiramis by William Wetmore Story and Matthew Barney’s The Cloud Club are examples that have required this consideration. We have successfully installed both works several times now, but inevitably we say to each other, “This technique works, but if we reconfigured the platform a bit or bought an additional piece of equipment next time, the installation would be even better”. By better, I mean less stressful and safer for the object and the preparators.
6. How did you decide you wanted to work in a museum? I can remember as a kid going to a museum in Wisconsin and seeing an installation entitled “Streets of Old Milwaukee” (or something to that effect). It was essentially a life-sized (or at least to a kid) re-creation of a turn-of-the-century downtown “scene” at night. It had real brick streets and wooden sidewalks that you walked on, and there were many shops to peer in and see fake people selling candy or cutting hair. Anyhow, what struck me the most at the time were the trees. They seemed very life-like and one was particularly huge, and I remember looking at these on several occasions and being fascinated by how they were made and how they came to be there. Well, now I think I know the “how’s and why’s” of the artificial trees but that place and experience made a big impression. I’ve always liked going to museums (mostly natural history), but once I became interested in making art myself and became educated about fine art, I liked those museums as well. At one point I just thought, “Wow, this would be a cool place to work”. I’ve worked at museums for 20 or so years now and have been very happy with that decision.
7. If you weren’t working here at the Museum, what is something else you would be doing? That’s a good question. I guess I would try devoting more time to making my own artwork. Also, I have secretly always wanted to drive one of those big bulldozers at a landfill. Seriously.