Summer art camp interns play many roles during their time at the DMA: teaching assistant, museum navigator, problem solver, carpool coordinator, bathroom trip taker, funny face maker, and–most importantly–friend to all campers! This year, we added three exciting new roles to their list: researcher, lesson writer, and teacher. For the first time, in teams and under the supervision of DMA staff, our 2017 summer art camp interns researched, wrote, and taught their very own summer camps.
These interns had six weeks to plan their camps, collecting ideas and teaching tricks from other camps and teachers they worked with along the way. We provided them with basic themes to start from, but from that point on their camps were entirely their own, from the works of art they focused on to the projects they made in the studio. They taught techniques, guided campers in looking and talking about art, and–like every good teacher–improvised when things didn’t go according to plan.
Without further ado, allow me to introduce our two teaching teams: Team Sense-sational Art and Team Portrait Party!
Team Sense-sational Art: Sharidyn Barnes, Jenna Buckley, and Mary Judge
Sharidyn helps problem-solve turning pipe cleaners into letters of the alphabet.
Jenna and a camper work together on a project.
Mary reads a story to campers during snack time.
Team Sense-sational Art was tasked with planning a camp all about art and the five senses for a group of children ages 6-8. They divided and conquered, each taking on one or two senses and planning a day around it. Sharidyn found she had a knack for getting into the why and how of art-making, Jenna dazzled with her knowledge of art history and fun facts about the collection, and Mary ignited campers’ imaginations with dramatic storytelling and gallery exploration.
Getting “nosy” in the gallery to imagine what the lobster in a still life might smell like.
“The paint smells like watermelon!!”
Jamming out with musical instruments in the gallery.
Working with form and texture to make a clay masterpiece.
Team Portrait Party: Madeline Bumpass and Paige Alexander
Madeline helps a camper sort through materials for a colorful project.
Paige shares a silkscreen used in printmaking with campers in the gallery.
Team Portrait Party planned a camp focused on portraits throughout the ages, from Roman busts to modern-day selfies, for a group of girls ages 9-12. Madeline and Paige worked together on each of the days, taking turns leading conversations in the galleries and getting elbows-deep in clay, paint, and fabric in the studio. It was a week of singing (lots of Disney and Taylor Swift), masterpiece-making, joke-cracking, and serious fun.
Painting portraits in the studio. This one’s a kangaroo!
Applying ink to a sheet of styrofoam for printmaking.
Working together on Warhol-inspired self portraits.
Special exhibition day means showing off the campers’ creations for family and friends!
Now that their camps are done and their internships have concluded, Jenna, Mary, Sharidyn, Madeline, and Paige are wrapping up their summer vacations, heading back to another year at college, and who knows – maybe one or two are on their way to a career in museum education! Congratulations on a job well done, ladies!

Jennifer Sheppard
Teaching Specialist