Posts Tagged 'McDermott Internship'

Friday Photos: McDermott Internship

By now I’m sure you know all about our McDermott Internship Program and the wonderful interns we’ve been working with this year. So I am excited to announce that applications are now open for the 2015-2016 McDermott Internship! This year we’ve instituted a fully digital application process, which can be accessed here, but be sure to check out our flyer with full descriptions before you get started.

But of course, we’re not ready to say goodbye to our current interns just yet! Here are some of the fun activities they’ve been up to. Submit your application and this could be you in the fall!

Sarah Coffey
Education Coordinator

Most Likely to Succeed

Left to right: Fabian Leyva-Barragan, Jennifer Sheppard, Taylor Jeromos, Laura Sevelis, Liz Bola, Elisabeth Seyerl, Samantha Robinson, Eliel Jones

September doesn’t usually mean cooler weather in Texas, but here at the Museum it does mean we get to welcome some cool new faces—our McDermott Interns!

This year’s class is full of enthusiasm, which you can surely see as they posed in our American  Galleries. They each bring their own distinct backgrounds, which include:

Fabian has Protanopia, which means that he is color blind—a fact he did not learn until college.
Jennifer is working on learning French, her fourth language in addition to English, Spanish, and Hebrew.
Taylor was the lead in a production of Annie while in the 5th grade in Ohio.
Laura taxidermied animals while working at the University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum.
Liz fell out of a window when she was 7 years old, but walked away unscathed.
Elisabeth studied Royal Javanese Dance at a royal palace in Java, Indonesia.
Samantha studied Nahuatl, a language spoken in central Mexico by those of Aztec descent.
Eliel spent the past summer working at a salmon fishery on a remote arctic fjord in northern Norway.

We look forward to working with this exciting bunch in the months ahead!

P.S. If you’re interested in becoming a McDermott Intern next year, check the DMA website in late January 2015 for details on how to apply!

Sarah Coffey is the Education Coordinator and former McDermott Education Intern for Adult Programming at the DMA.

Never Say Goodbye…

Today I bid a fond farewell to the DMA. Saying goodbye has never been easy for me, and each time I do, I find J.M. Barrie’s quote from Peter Pan echoing in my head: “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” However, although my time as a McDermott Intern has flown by,  I feel lucky to be taking so many unforgettable memories into my next adventure.

At the top of my list, I will fondly remember sharing my love of art with children and adults as part of the DMA’s many Family and Access programs.  I will also treasure the time I spent collaborating and teaching with the talented members of this team, which we affectionately refer to as FAST. Thank you, ladies, for your guidance and inspiration!

I will cherish my memories of trips to our neighboring DFW museums, cultural institutions, and Mrs. McDermott’s beautiful ranch, as well as the opportunity to participate in the NY Museums in Action STEM to STEAM conference this spring.

I will miss answering the letters children write to Arturo, including my past students in Western MA, who participated in my Arturo’s Magical Mail exchange.

Last but not least, I will miss seeing my fellow interns each day. Together, we have grown as educators and professionals, and I am thankful to have shared this experience with you.

And so, I head off into my next chapter. Although I am going away, I won’t say goodbye, because something tells me I’ll be back. In the meantime, I look forward to hearing about the wonderful things the DMA continues to share with the world. Onwards and upwards!

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Amelia Wood
McDermott Intern for Family Access and Teaching

Graduation Day

The 2011-2012 McDermott Interns are finishing their final days at the DMA. The year has flown by and we want to thank each intern for their dedication and enthusiasm over the past eight months. Below is a look at what their next steps will be. Congratulations to you all.

  • Andrew Sears will pursue his Ph.D. in medieval art history at UC Berkeley.
  • Vivian Barclay has accepted an adjunct teaching position at Brookhaven College.
  • Hannah Burney will stay at the DMA over the summer to assist with Go van Gogh programs.
  • Mary Jordan will be at the DMA over the summer to assist with summer camps and family programs.
  • Lexie Ettinger plans to return to Houston and use her art history degree and museum background there.
  • Melissa Barry will stay in Dallas and be involved with the arts and contemporary collections.
  • Jessica Kennedy has accepted the position of Public Programs Manager at the Amon Carter Museum in Fort Worth.
  • Wendy Earle has accepted the position of Curator of Collections and Exhibitions at the Museum of the Southwest in Midland.

Sarah Vitek Coffey is the Assistant to the Chair of Learning Initiatives at the Dallas Museum of Art.


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