Roger Winter, Self-Portrait with Family, 1969, Dallas Museum of Art, gift of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Perutz
At an Education staff meeting last month, each branch of the department took time to examine their programs through the lens of different learning styles and categorizations. We considered John Falk’s different kinds of visitors, such as the Explorer and the Facilitator; we examined Howard Gardner’s Nine Multiple Intelligences, such as Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence and Linguistic Intelligence; and finally, we reviewed Bernice McCarthy’s 4-MAT Learning Styles.
In fact, each staff member took a short test to determine which of the four McCarthy categories best described their learning style. As it turns out, analytic learners are the most common among DMA Educators. These learners, myself included, are fact seekers and especially good at creating concepts and models. They are motivated by the goals of self-satisfaction and intellectual recognition.
The analytic learners were closely followed by dynamic learners. Dynamic learners, such as our Manager of Go van Gogh Programs, Amy Copeland, are interested in hidden possibilities, self-discovery, and potential. They enjoy making things happen by taking risks and by being flexible and enthusiastic.
McDermott Intern for Community Teaching, Pilar Wong, falls under the next most common style: common sense learners. Practical and factual, these learners love to figure out how things work. They tend to enjoy problem solving and hands-on experiences.
Lastly, we have the imaginative learners. These learners, like Community Teaching Programs Assistant, Hannah Burney, are reflective and innovative. They learn from their own experiences and by listening to and sharing ideas with others. They are idea people.
Try out the McCarthy Learning Styles quiz, and tell us, what’s your learning style?
Alex Vargo
McDermott Intern for Gallery Teaching