Art with Four Legs

Art with Four Wheels
A few days ago I was walking through the hallways of Felix Botello Elementary carrying my Go van Gogh bag, and I heard a student whisper to his friend, “It’s the museum man!” As I passed by, he slapped me a high-five. Walking into the classroom, another student excitedly shouted, “It’s an artist!” As it turns out, they were the artists that day; they made extraordinary model chairs out of ordinary materials like straws and tin foil.
Yesterday I visited James B. Bonham Elementary, teaching a Go van Gogh program called Creative Connections: Ordinary to Extraordinary. I asked one student how his art project was coming along— “This is the best day of my life!” he said. Another student said, “When I grow up, I want to be an artist!” I’m glad to see that artist is the new astronaut.
If you’re a teacher or a parent and I’ve mentioned your school, let us know. We’d love to hear from you. As more stories come in, I’ll keep you updated.
Justin Greenlee
Learning Partnerships Intern