Every year, I am impressed and amazed by our annual Young Masters exhibition, organized in partnership with the O’Donnell Foundation Advanced Placement Arts Incentive Program. Since 1994, the O’Donnell Foundation has encouraged interest and success in AP Studio Art and AP Art History, adding AP Music Theory in 1998. One of the clearly defined program goals is the recognition and celebration of students’ and teachers’ achievements. This year, fifty-three original works of art were selected for inclusion in Young Masters out of a total of 651 submissions. You can also listen to AP Art History essays and original music compositions on the DMA Mobi web site.

Second Place: Silvia Zapata-Schleicher, The Dimensions of Cards, playing cards, Creekview High School
Judges from a variety of arts, cultural, and educational institutions such as the DMA, Meyerson Symphony Center, and SMU selected this year’s winners. View the exhibition through April 8, and share which piece is your favorite.
Melissa Nelson
Manager of Teaching in the Community