Our next teacher workshop is our final workshop of the school year:
Exploring Photography: The Lens of Impressionism
7 CPE hours; limit 20
$50 full price; $40 DMA members

Gustave Le Gray, Brig Upon the Water, ca. 1856. Albumen print, Founders Society Purchase, Henry E. and Consuelo S. Wenger Foundation Fund (F78.41) Photo © 2004, Detroit Institute of Arts
This workshop stretches over two meetings; please plan to attend both dates.
Saturday, April 24, 2010; 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 1, 2010; 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Two special guests will join us for this workshop:
Dr. Terry Barrett, Professor of Art Education at the University of North Texas, will lead a gallery conversation based on photographs in the Lens of Impressionism exhibition on April 24. Learn more about Dr. Barrett by visiting his Web site or by reading his recent interview on this blog.
Frank Lopez, photographer and visual art teacher at Greenhill School, will lead a demonstration of ambrotype photography on May 1. Visit Mr. Lopez’s Web site to learn more about him and his work.
We’re also taking reservations for our annual summer course offered in conjunction with The University of Texas at Dallas:
Summer Seminar 2010: The Creative Process
June 15-18, 2010; 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily
$100 registration fee
Join UT Dallas faculty and DMA staff to explore the theory and practice of creativity in this graduate-level seminar. Discussion sessions and interactive workshop experiences will take place at the Dallas Museum of Art in classrooms, galleries, and the Center for Creative Connections.
Both programs are open to K-12 teachers of all subjects. Register now before spaces are gone.
Molly Kysar
Head of Teaching Programs