Dallas Museum of Art Uncrated

Friday Photos: Mystery Artwork

How well do you know the collection?

Earlier this year, our intern Karen Colbert introduced the Mystery Artwork Photo Series, a three week series that presented a detail of an artwork and encouraged our readers to visit the Museum or go online with a handful of clues to find the mysterious object.

This September, I challenge you to explore our galleries and investigate the clues given with each work in our new Mystery Artwork series.  For the next four Fridays, I will post an altered photograph of the mystery artwork and give you a clue in the form of a rhyme.  It is up to you to visit the Museum and search our galleries or practice your good research skills by searching on our online collections page. 

The cryptic artwork will be revealed the following Friday, with the presentation of a new a mystery artwork.  The winner will receive the best non-prize ever: complete bragging rights that you know the DMA’s collections. 

Remember, Thursday Night Live offers free admission to Texas educators with their ID, or you could visit anytime with a teacher membership.

Ready, set, go!

His paintings reference color theory,
and his color palette is seldom dreary,
with three layers of squares,
this painting hangs across from a chair.

Best of luck,
Loryn Leonard
Coordinator of Museum Visits

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