May flowers, of course! So we’re hoping that this stormy day is a good sign for the plants on our grounds in the upcoming month! In the meantime, we’ve been enjoying our flowers blooming in the galleries. Come to the DMA today to see these works of art that are sprouting with petals and leaves, without having to reset your perm!

Jar with Avanyu and Feather Motifs, Vangie Tafoya, c. 1993, Dallas Museum of Art, The Otis and Velma Davis Dozier Fund, and gift of Faith P. Bybee by exchange.

Flowers, Jim Love, 1996, Dallas Museum of Art, gift of Bill Womack in honor of Carl Barnett.

Retablo, n.d., Mexican, Dallas Museum of Art,gift of Mrs. Arthur Kramer, Sr.

Cabinet, c. 1680–1700, located in the Spanish Colonial gallery, Dallas Museum of Art, gift of The Eugene McDermott Foundation, in honor of Carol and Richard Brettell.

Portrait of an Arhat, 17th century, Japanese, Dallas Museum of Art, the Roberta Coke Camp Fund and Lillian B. Clark.

Plaque with single figure, 16th–17th century, Benin, Dallas Museum of Art, The Eugene and Margaret McDermott Art Fund, Inc.

Hydrangea, Nokamura Hochu, Early 19th century, Dallas Museum of Art, bequest of Dorace M. Fichtenbaum.

Plate, 18th century, located in the South Asian art gallery, Dallas Museum of Art, bequest of Sarah Dorsey Brown Hudson.

Still Life: Bouquet with Compotier, Henri Matisse, 1924, Dallas Museum of Art, The Eugene and Margaret McDermott Art Fund, Inc., in honor of Dr. Bryan Williams.

Untitled (Field of Bluebonnets), Julian Onderdonk, 1918-1920, Dallas Museum of Art, bequest of Margaret M. Ferris.
Whitney Sirois
McDermott Graduate Intern for Gallery and Community Teaching