Dallas Museum of Art Uncrated

Holiday Wishlist

Due to Icemegeddon 2013 I am delaying the blog that I originally wanted to compose and instead providing you a glimpse into our lives! I asked my fellow DMA staff members what is on their holiday wishlist. See if this matches your list too!

JC Bigornia, Program Coordinator for the Center for Creative Connections, would love Joni Wilson-Bigornia to gift him a new Lilypad POV Wristband

Leah Hanson, Manager of Early Learning Programs, is looking for new ideas for making art with kids, and this book by Susan Schwake looks like it could give her all kinds of projects for future classes and summer camp!

Melissa Gonzalez, C3 Gallery Manager, believes that she has “already eaten WAY too much this holiday season, so this cookbook is on my wishlist.  I’m eager to learn how to cook healthy seasonal comfort foods.  Who knew this was possible?”

Stacey Lizotte, Head of Adult Programming and Multimedia Services, would love to test out some fragrances before committing to one of them so this Sephora gift set makes a nice present for Stacey.


As for me, I love to read and my eyes are not as strong as they used to be so I would like a new pair of glasses from Warby Parker

Wishing you a wonderful season!

Amanda Batson
C3 Program Coordinator

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