Dallas Museum of Art Uncrated


Dear Teachers,

In honor of Thanksgiving, we’d like to express our appreciation for some of the people who made an impression on us throughout our lives.

I have always had great teachers in my life, and they’re part of the reason I wanted to go into Education in the first place.  I would especially like to thank my high school Humanities teacher, Ms. Hall, for giving me my first exposure to art.  Without her excitement and enthusiasm, I never would have taken art history courses in college and probably wouldn’t be working at the DMA today!

I am thankful for three special teachers who have always been in my life (two of my sisters and one of my brothers-in-law), who inspired me to become involved in all of the arts including theater, literature, music and visual arts. They gave me the confidence to do what I love!

Thank you to my junior high math teacher, who encouraged, challenged, and rewarded me both in and out of class.  I aspire to be an educator who can blend all of those things and inspire hard work and a sense of accomplishment in her students.

Educators, you deserve the biggest THANK YOU of all!  I appreciate the dedication to your students, and the inspiration you instill in them.  Thank you for making the Museum a part of your classroom, and I look forward to seeing you and your students.

Happy Thanksgiving,
DMA Educators

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