Dallas Museum of Art Uncrated

Teen T-Shirt Design Contest Kicks Off This Friday!

This month’s Late Night on July 18 marks the beginning of our very first t-shirt design contest for ages thirteen to nineteen! Participants have two months to submit a design inspired by a work of art in the DMA’s collection, with a chance to have their design reproduced and sold in the DMA store. More information, including submission guidelines, will be provided on the teen workshops section of the DMA website in the coming weeks; you can also send an e-mail to JBigornia@DMA.org.

Drop by the Tech Lab in the Center for Creative Connections this Friday between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m. to hang out, hear more about the contest from DMA staff, brainstorm ideas, and sketch from works of art in the galleries.

Here are some works of art from the Ancient American collection that may inspire you…what work of art will you choose for your design?

Guatamala, Maya culture, Eccentric flint depicting a crocodile canoe with passengers, A.D. 600-900,  Dallas Museum of Art, The Eugene and Margaret McDermott Art Fund, Inc., in honor of Mrs. Alex Spence

Eccentric flint depicting a crocodile canoe with passengers, Guatamala, Maya culture, A.D. 600-900, Dallas Museum of Art, The Eugene and Margaret McDermott Art Fund, Inc., in honor of Mrs. Alex Spence


North America, Mexico, Mixtec-Aztec culture, Mask, possibly of Tlaloc, c. 1350-1521, Dallas Museum of Art, The Roberta Coke Camp Fund

Mask, possibly of Tlaloc, Mexico, Mixtec-Aztec culture, c. 1350-1521, Dallas Museum of Art, The Roberta Coke Camp Fund


JC Bigornia

C3 Program Coordinator

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